You might have been following our work for a while now, or you might be new here! No matter how long you’ve known FMS for, we bet there are some things you don’t know about the most important part of our organization; our TEAM!

From skate instructors to fundraising managers, our team consists of a brilliant group of people, with different skills, background and stories, and for the next little while we will be focusing on each one of them to create these new series of blog posts, GET TO KNOW US. The first one could be no other than the co-founder, Will Ascott! (round of applause)

When and why did you start skating?
I started at the age of 10… I’m 30 now so it’s been pretty much my entire life! I found a board walking to get my haircut one day, and my mum said I could keep it, I had no idea, but a lot changed for me that day!

What’s your favourite thing about skateboarding?
I love travelling to weird bits of the city I wouldn’t normally see and the increasingly diverse community we share.

Why did you decide to work with FMS?
I started it with Ruby nearly 6 years ago!

What exactly do you do at Free Movement?
FUNdraising, teaching kiddos to skate and powerslides.

What’s your current setup?
Tired skateboards deck in a real dad board kinda shape, indy wides, color/goodbie wheels and bearings.

What do you do apart from working for FMS?
I play drums in a garage punk band called Gut Reaction and I proper love it.

Favourite place you’ve skated?
Everything in Malmö was insane – just insane quality parks everywhere. It was also during the magic of pushing boarders, a massive welcoming international crew which made those sessions so special.

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